GWS Learner 2 Probationary Driver Program

Jay joined the L2P program in July 2016 and was matched with David Jefferies. As always David has been an exceptional mentor, going out of his way to support his learners. Jay was working as an apprentice cabinet maker. He was keen to get his licence as getting to work on public transport was quiet challenging for him. Despite his work commitments, Jay always attended his driving lessons and continued driving regularly out of Cheltenham Police Station. He immensely enjoyed being part of SECL’s L2P program and successfully passed his test on 2 February 2017.

Leigh joined the L2P program in July 2016 and was matched with David Jefferies. Leigh came from a family where both his parents were unable to drive and he had a huge goal to successful obtain his license. David has been very supportive and has helped Leigh improve his driving as well as interpersonal and communication skills. Leigh acknowledges that without the L2P program and his mentor’s support he wouldn’t have achieved his driving goal. He successfully passed his driving test on 21st March 2017 and is a happy p-plater.

One of my passions is to improve road safety. I believe that driver training and education are integral in reducing deaths and serious injuries on our roads. Through Southern Ethnic Advisory and Advocacy Council (Seaac), I completed a three day mandatory training course in February 2016 to become a mentor driver for the Learner to Probationary licence program (L2P).
There are about sixty L2P programs operating in the State of Victoria helping underprivileged young learners to gain the required 120 hours of driving practice. I am very pleased to share with you, that Ms Kathleen Paton, my first mentee, received her probationary driver licence on 29 March 2017 at her first drive test. I am sure Kathleen will be amongst the safest young drivers on our roads.
Being a mentor driver for L2P program provides me immense personal satisfaction. I would not hesitate to recommend the L2P program to anyone who would like to take up fulfilling volunteer work.

Another P - Plater - Congratulations to Amy and her mentors Dawn and Garry.
We wish Anisa, Michelle and the team at South East community Links all the best with their two new L2P vehicles which were delivered on Thursday 29th of September 2016. We wish you all the best with your new vehicles and hope they help educate the youth of the City of Monash and City of Kingston on how to drive.

Garry and Warren Smith in association with South East Community Links would like to congratulate all participants in the Learner 2 Probationary driving program.
GWS are extremely proud of our involvement within this community initiation and wish all future participants all the best… We hope this experience helps enrich your lives.